Hello Seniors!

This is now the course website for AP Literature at Eastside. On this site you can find links to course syllabi, assignments, and even other students' blogs. That's right! Each senior will be creating his/her own blog to create a digital community of poetry scholars. On your blog, you will post information about famous poems, interesting poems, analysis of poetic language, and even your own poems.

It will be challenging and interesting as you will all contribute to the ongoing discourse about poetry and poetic language.

Good effort and good luck!

-Devin & Heather

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Homework Due: 1/31/07 & 2/2/07

1. Metacognition & Writing (2nd period due 1/31; 8th period due 2/2): Write a 1 page reflection on the comments you received on your final essay from last semester.

a. List the VERY specific things you did well (read comments).

b. List the VERY specific things you need to improve on (read comments, look at corrections).

c. Diagnose the source of the problem for each item on your list of things to improve on (e.g. "I didn't know how to quote passages over three lines in length."; "I don't know what it means to connect back to the thesis."; "I procrastinated and didn't get a chance to edit."; "I'm not sure what you mean when you say 'analyze' in class or on my feedback."). Then propose solutions to these problems (e.g. "Now that I know what is expected after a quote I will change my writing style. In addition, I plan to list my areas of improvement on my next essay prompt so that I will remember to address those issues.").

2. Poetry Journal (both periods due 2/2): Follow the instructions outlined in your unit overview packet. Post your journal on your blog (copy/paste) and bring a hard copy to class.

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