Hello Seniors!

This is now the course website for AP Literature at Eastside. On this site you can find links to course syllabi, assignments, and even other students' blogs. That's right! Each senior will be creating his/her own blog to create a digital community of poetry scholars. On your blog, you will post information about famous poems, interesting poems, analysis of poetic language, and even your own poems.

It will be challenging and interesting as you will all contribute to the ongoing discourse about poetry and poetic language.

Good effort and good luck!

-Devin & Heather

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Homework Due: 2/5/07

Explication #1: Humble Beginnings

Choose one of the following poems listed below and write an explication over the weekend.

  1. “Woman Work” by Maya Angelou
  2. “Eight O’Clock” by A.E. Housman
  3. “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks

Since the format of an explication is new to you, you might want to address the following aspects of the poem in your brief essay.

  • the title
  • the speaker of the lines and to whom they are spoken
  • the approximate location of the lines within the larger work
  • the significance of the lines themselves
  • the relationship of the lines to the larger work of which they are a part
  • particular techniques evident in the lines
    • Alliteration
    • Consonance
    • Assonance
    • Onomatopoeia
    • End Rhyme
    • Internal Rhyme
    • Near/Imperfect/Slant Rhyme
    • Phonetic Intensives
    • Euphony
    • Cacophony


  • double-spaced
  • written in 12 point, Times New Roman font with 1” margins
  • at least one page in length
  • standard essay elements: introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, conclusion
  • 2nd period: emailed to Devin (devin@ucla.edu); 8th period: hard copy for Heather
  • Due at the beginning of the period on Monday, Jan. 5th, 2007

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