Hello Seniors!

This is now the course website for AP Literature at Eastside. On this site you can find links to course syllabi, assignments, and even other students' blogs. That's right! Each senior will be creating his/her own blog to create a digital community of poetry scholars. On your blog, you will post information about famous poems, interesting poems, analysis of poetic language, and even your own poems.

It will be challenging and interesting as you will all contribute to the ongoing discourse about poetry and poetic language.

Good effort and good luck!

-Devin & Heather

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Homework Due: 2/9/07

1. Poetry Journal #2 (Remember, each response should be at least one page long of full text in paragraph form. Still write the SOAPSTone out, but the list does not count toward the page limit. Bring a hardcopy to class and post on your blog.)
DUE: Friday, 2/9/07

2. O.R. Log #1 (Check the purple handout for info. on this assignment.)
DUE: Monday, 2/12/07

3. Comment on a classmate's blog (Remember, you signed up for an individual's blog. I will be checking for a significant comment--at leasts one full paragraph-- on that person's blog on Monday.)
DUE: Monday, 2/12/07

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